If you are starting your career now, I know exactly what you worry about.

No more worries! There are solutions to overcome all the above and I'm here to help you find them!

Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember that the early stages of a career are also filled with immense opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery. Seeking guidance through career coaching, mentorship, and continuous education can help individuals overcome these obstacles and set themselves on a path to success.

Welcome to the Journey for Your Successful and Fulfilling Career!

Are you an ambitious person ready to take the first steps towards building a successful career?

Congratulations! You’re about to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery, growth, and achievement. As an experienced Career Coach, I am dedicated to helping you navigate the dynamic landscape of the professional world and equip you with the tools you need to flourish.

Why Invest in Career Coaching?

your available options:

Invest in Yourself

In today's ever-changing working environment, making correct decisions about your career is vital.

That's where Career Coaching comes in. Think of it as a journey that helps you identify your strengths, talents and ambitions. I have developed a unique personalized Career Coaching methodology and we will work together to create your own career path. We'll align your choices with your unique qualities so you can invest your time and energy where it matters most.

Unlock Your Potential

Ever felt like you have untapped potential but don't know where to start?

Our career coaching process is rooted in unleashing your hidden talents. Through one-on-one sessions, we'll uncover your unique strengths and areas for growth. Together, we'll set actionable goals and develop strategies to enhance your skills, boosting your confidence and positioning you for success.

Maria Papazoglou

Tailored Guidance for Young Starters

Starting your career can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

My career coaching programs are designed specifically for individuals like you who are just stepping into the professional world. I understand the challenges you face, from choosing the right path to building your professional network and much more. My expertise will empower you to make confident decisions and navigate the early
stages of your career with ease.

Make an excellent start

The investment you will do now, will pay off through out your career.

How would you career look like if you could make a great start, take the right decisions, and get all the professional support you need in order to set yourself ready for success? I wish I had the same opportunity when I started mt career, so I am pretty excited to work with people like you and contribute to your future career and life.

What Our Career Coaching Offers:

Personalized Career Roadmap
We’ll craft a step-by-step plan
tailored to your goals,
ensuring every move you make
aligns with them.

Build the confidence you need to introduce yourself, make a great impression, and thrive in your chosen field.

Networking Strategies
Learn the art of networking
and relationship-building,
essential skills
for expanding your horizons.
Skill Enhancement

Whether it’s communication, or any other personal skills, we’ll work on sharpening your abilities to stand out from the crowd.

Interview Preparation
Excel in interviews with mock
sessions and guidance
on how to articulate your value to potential employers.

Let's Embark on This Journey Together!

Your future is full of possibilities, and with the right support, you can achieve remarkable success. I am here to be your partner on this exciting ride. I am dedicated to helping you not just find a job but build a fulfilling and prosperous career that aligns with your passions and ambitions.

Ready to take the first step?

Let’s schedule a complimentary coaching session and discuss how you can start shaping your path towards a future you're excited about.
"The future depends on what you do today."

Invest in yourself and your future with Career Coaching

learn why you should invest

Career Coaching for people just starting their careers is the most important investment they can make. It helps them to position themselves in the job market and take successful first steps.

One of the most exciting moments – but also filled with many challenges – is when a young person is looking for their first job.

That’s when everything seems difficult, and the process seems like an insurmountable mountain. And yet, job searching and properly preparing yourself as a candidate isan art. You can learn this a an art. You can learn this art while working with me, so that you can successfully cope with this process.

Graduates or non-graduates who wish to find their first job and make a great start as professionals. Either in the corporate environment or as freelancers or entrepreneurs.

I know that you have many questions:

✓ How do I identify my strengths to create my professional
✓ How does job search work?
✓ How can I find a job that suits me?
✓ How do I properly prepare myself as a professional and make the best possible impression on my future employer?
✓ How to make my resume and prepare for the interview?
✓ How do I create an authentic and powerful personal branding?

All these questions and many more, we will discuss in our individual Career Coaching sessions. They are specially designed for those who are just starting their careers.

✓ Self-awareness
✓ Self-Confidence
✓ Clarity and goal setting
✓ Career job map
✓ Excellent preparation for job search
✓ Personal Branding

Get ready to achieve goals in the shortest and most efficient way.

Career Coaching Programs are provided through 1:1 sessions on a confidentiality basis. You can also join a group sessions program if you prefer to work with a team of people. Sessions can be online or in my private office in Athens.

In addition to individual coaching sessions, you will have the opportunity to join me in group workshops that will enhance your skills. The power and inspiration of these groups will give you a huge boost.

Ready to… Start Your Career?

Ready to... Start Your Career?

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