The Steps to Your Success!

I know how you can succeed
In our individual sessions, we follow my Career Coaching Methodology that I have developed after years of experience, thus ensuring success in your own pursuits. Learn more about the benefits of the methodology here.
I invite you for a complimentary session
Before you decide to invest in a program of one-on-one Coaching sessions, I offer you a complimentary 25-minute online meeting. In this meeting, we can get to know each other and determine if we want and can cooperate. I will explain the framework of coaching and answer all your questions. Depending on the goal you set, I recommend the duration of the program and accordingly the value of your investment in this program. You can request this introductory meeting by clicking here
What results do we achieve?
With my Career Coaching Methodology you can achieve your career goals. Whether it is a promotion to another role or company, or a career change or the development of your personal skills in order to respond perfectly to your work role. Therefore, you constantly upgrade your professional self and show greater prestige and influence, which makes it easier to assert your plans. In addition, through our collaboration in a coaching program, you feel more confident and dynamic, and you gain greater professional self-awareness. This will lead to an increase in your Self-Confidence and will allow you to organize your Life and Work in a way that gives you greater Satisfaction.
The most powerful methods are at your disposal
The tools, knowledge and benefits of Coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) are here for you! In our sessions we will use a very effective combination of the best tools and applications from Coaching and NLP methods. Thus, we achieve the fastest results in the most beneficial way for you. In between our one-on-one sessions, I provide you with other resources of knowledge and inspiration. These can be books, videos, participation in my workshops, etc. resources that we will utilize according to your own goals.

How can I support you?

the options you have

Career Development


Career Start

I want to START my CAREER

Maria Papazoglou

How can we work together?

Frequent Questions & Answers

Welcome to the one-on-one sessions program!

Our one-on-one coaching meetings (sessions) will transform your career!

You can unlock your full potential and I am committed to supporting you in your professional success.

If you choose the one-on-one coaching sessions program, you will enjoy the personalized Coaching Methodology that I have developed. It will also be adapted to meet your own ambitions, challenges and professional goals.

How shall we work?

Through active listening, empathy, and insightful questions, we’ll work closely to identify your strengths, areas for improvement, and develop a plan for your success. Whether you’re looking to improve your skills, change jobs or optimize your team’s performance, Coaching sessions will empower you to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities.

Individual sessions take place in a secure and confidential environment. Either online or in person at my office in Athens.

Why choose me?

With 27 years of professional experience, I have supported countless professionals from different industries and hierarchy levels. I understand the complexity and demands of the modern work environment. I am committed to providing you with support, world-class coaching tools and constructive feedback throughout our partnership. Together, we’ll cultivate a winner’s mindset and weaken any limiting beliefs you have, ensuring you can soar to new heights in your career.

Ready for the next big step?

Investing in Coaching is an investment in your future success and happiness. By leveraging your unique strengths and leveraging my expertise as a Coach, you will gain the competitive edge you need to realize your professional ambitions.

Embrace the opportunity to take your career to the maximum level and come talk to start this transformational journey together. Your best professional self is waiting for you and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Let’s take your career to the next level! Schedule the complimentary session NOW

Welcome to the Career Coaching Sessions Program.

As a Coach, I believe in the power of collective growth and learning. For this reason, I have created groups with a small number of participants who have similar professional aspirations.

What will offer to you?

Group Career Coaching sessions offer a supportive collaborative environment, bringing together people facing similar challenges and at a similar stage.

Group sessions are held online.

How does this work?

Our group discussions will fascinate you. Between our sessions I provide you with coaching tools, exercises and supportive material that will give you inspiration and motivation. Through the power of team and interaction you will gain invaluable knowledge, different perspectives, and a strong support network.

This transformative experience will help you identify your strengths, navigate career transitions, and unlock hidden opportunities. Whether you’re a recent graduate exploring career paths or a seasoned professional looking for a new perspective, our team mentoring enables you to excel in today’s competitive job market.

Let’s go!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and career development that will propel you toward success and fulfillment? Embrace the power of the collective and contact me to let you know about the next Career Coaching group. Send me an email today at

Welcome to the Group Professional Development Workshops!
If you choose to participate in my group Workshops, you will benefit from the knowledge and practice you need to excel in your career and achieve personal development. Group workshops provide a dynamic and interactive environment where professionals from different disciplines and hierarchical levels come together to learn, collaborate, and grow!

What is it?

I created the content and overall experience of the workshops to cover a wide range of key topics such as skill development, effective goal setting, communication, creating a winner’s mindset, etc. Through engaging interactive tasks, real stories and group discussions, you will gain valuable knowledge and practical strategies to empower yourself.

Available workshops:

✓ Personal Branding: Create your best professional self

✓ NLP & Coaching: Practical applications of the powerful methods in your everyday working life

✓ Boost Your Career: Group program for those seeking a professional upgrade

How does this work?

What’s magical about group workshops is that they foster a sense of team bonding and networking, allowing participants to connect and express mutual support. Participants will benefit from shared experiences, different perspectives, and the collective wisdom of the group.

Whether you’re an up-and-coming professional looking to advance your career, or a seasoned executive looking to improve your leadership skills, your group workshops are a must! I provide a supportive environment where each participant can explore their potential and identify opportunities for growth.

Book your seat at the next workshop!

Invest in your professional development by participating in group workshops to unlock new possibilities in your career.

Embrace the power of collaborative learning and together with the team, we will break new ground.

See the schedule of workshops and book your seat today to start a journey of continuous improvement and success!

Send me an email today at

How does it work?

The steps to your success are simple

The first step towards success!

Take the decision

The most important step of our cooperation starts with your decision. Do not try it alone anymore, ask the support of an expert in this field. The time has come!

Schedule our appointment

Why delay your progress? With the complimentary session that I offer you, you can start now and succeed as millions of people around the world succeed who choose the right coach.

Show commitment

You need commitment to yourself and in the process of your personal and professional development. Don’t forget, I am by your side and supporting you all the way and your own commitment will come and ensure excellent results.

Enjoy the benefits

The benefits of career coaching that will lead you to the career you desire and deserve. The benefits of working and upgrading yourself, creating the best version of you!

Ready to Start?

1st Phase: Self-awareness and Empowerment
We start by agreeing on the goals of the Coaching program. We continue by discussing the current situation so that you gain Clarity about what is happening. One of the valuable parts of the 1st phase is the Self-awareness exercises so that you realize or remember your strengths. In addition, we study your Mindset and Beliefs and through NLP we work on their readgustment if necessary. Thus, we achieve the Empowerment, and Self-Confidence which are necessary to proceed to the 2nd phase.
2nd Phase: Clear and Comprehensive Goal Setting
It's time to discuss your goals in detail, clarifying every possible detail. The more specific we become, the more focused we be to find solutions and achieve what you want. Goal setting is a pivotal point in the Coaching process because it defines the strategy you will follow and the actions you will take.
3rd Phase: Strategy and Action Plan
To achieve your goal, we need to decide the Strategy based on which you will move. The next step is to capture the strategy in an Action Plan that you will implement soon. The action plan is recorded in detail and includes a variety of actions that will lead you to achieve the goals.
4th Phase: Implementation
Let's go now to implement what we planned! I support you step by step to implement the Actions included in your Plan. Remember that we operate on a schedule and with a commitment to results. It's time to release your potential which we strengthened even more in the previous phases. With upgraded personal skills and the most suitable solutions for you, you are now ready to effectively claim any goal.
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